Everyone who uses servers needs applications for their needs. Someone needs applications for communication (E-mail, messengers, IP telephony), someone uses servers to work with projects and needs edit...
Stacer is a program that allows the user to monitor the status of the server. This program allows the user to view absolutely all information about the server, for example, how much RAM is used and a ...
Today in this article I will introduce you to the basics of Linux server (An example will be shown on Ubuntu 20.04). I will show you how to configure the graphical shell, how to create a user and give...
In order to keep your data safe in case of a failure or hacker attacks, they must be archived from time to time. The data that you have archived must be stored on a separate hard drive so that in case...
Any server requires constant monitoring and settings due to which it will be safe to use. And if applications are initially installed on the Windows server, with the help of which you can track the pe...